12th Annual Summer Institute – Starting Strong with Equity-Centered MTSS

Virtual Workshop

Aug 16th: 8:00-8:45 Keynote: Centering Students Through Equity - Free for all attnedees 9:00-12:00 Tier 1 PBIS Refresh With A Lens on Equity - Lori Lynass, Ed.D. Does your Tier 1 system need a reboot? Have you been intentional with how to create a culturally responsive Tier 1 system? This workshop will examine the common…

$49.00 – $145.00

(2-Day Virtual Training) Initial Restorative Justice Practices

Virtual Workshop

2- Day Virtual Training Monday, March 12th & 19th,  2021 8:30 am - 3:00 pm 12 clock hours available Restorative practices help to build community, celebrate accomplishments, transform conflict, rebuild relationships that have been harmed, and reintegrate students who have been suspended or expelled. Restorative Justice is focused on the belief that those individuals causing harm can work together with those affected…

Event Series Life Space Crisis Intervention

Life Space Crisis Intervention

Virtual Workshop

  Life Space Crisis Intervention An internationally recognized, professional training and certification program, Life Space Crisis Intervention offers advanced, interactive strategies for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors. As a trauma-informed approach, LSCI views the crisis as opportunities for learning, growth, insight, connection, and change.…


Restorative Practices for the Classroom Virtual Training

Virtual Workshop

There is a growing body of research supporting the effectiveness of restorative practices in classrooms. Benefits of using restorative practices include a reduction in behavioral referrals to the office, disproportionality in discipline and increased instructional time. This interactive virtual training will provide you with the tools needed to start running restorative practices in your classroom.…
